Sakai Design Associate
アクリルメーカーAIR FRAMEと共に2010年から続けてきたトロフィープロジェクトの集大成と捉え、同プロジェクトに参加してくれていた5組のデザイナーに再度デザインをお願いしました。
At the request of Foundation of Japan Motor Boat Racing Association, we produced trophies for four of the five races that were launched in 2014.
As a culmination of the trophy design project that we have been doing since 2010 in association with acrylic product specialist Air Frame we asked the same five designers who have been involved in the project to work with us again. To the client who was uneasy about the novelty of using acrylic for trophies, we patiently explained the superiority of acrylic as material and its beauty. With each designer, we asked them to come up with a design that conveys the essence of boat race in general as well as of each individual race while expressing their own philosophy.
Designs we received from Araki Midori, anddesign, e.m., mintdesigns, and Toshihiko Sakai were rich in variety as we had expected. At the time of receiving the offer we were told that at least a couple out of the five designs would be accepted but in the end a design by anddesign and three by Toshihiko Sakai(two of which were of the same design with different colors and other details)were accepted and produced.
The trophies produced were presented to the inaugural winners of “Eastern Young Race”, “Western Young Race”, “Young Derby Race” and “Ladies Challenge Cup Race”. These trophies will be presented to each year’s winners for the next ten years.
We had a dream of one day designing trophies for real races and real sport events at the beginning of the trophy project. Having finally made the dream come true we have learned the importance of perseverance. Our next dream? To design a trophy for Formula 1 one day.
从2010年与压克力业者AIR FRAME持续合作至今,我将这次奖杯设计委托案视为这几年的集大成,于是再度委托曾经参与企划的5组设计师,进行设计。
Araki Midori、anddesign、e.m.、mintdesigns、酒井俊彦提出的设计,丰富多样。最初接受委托时,5座奖杯当中,我们预计最少可有1~2座获选制作。最后获选制作的是anddesign的设计作品1座,酒井俊彦的设计作品3座(其中2座为相同设计,颜色与主题不同),总计获选制作4项比赛的奖杯。

Design Produce Makiko Sakai | Design Toshihiko Sakai, &design | Manufacture AIR FRAME | Photo Yosuke Suzuki

Trophyies for Eastern Young, Western Young Race | Design Produce Makiko Sakai | Design Toshihiko Sakai | Manufacture AIR FRAME | Photo Yosuke Suzuki

Torphy for Eastern Young Race | Design Produce Makiko Sakai | Design Toshihiko Sakai | Manufacture AIR FRAME | Photo Yosuke Suzuki

Torphy for Western Young Race | Design Produce Makiko Sakai | Design Toshihiko Sakai | Manufacture AIR FRAME | Photo Yosuke Suzuki

Torphy for Ladies Charange Cup | Design Produce Makiko Sakai | Design &design | Manufacture AIR FRAME | Photo Yosuke Suzuki



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