家具としてのマッサージチェアをコンセプトにデザインした製品です。最高級機種と同等の性能を実現しつつ、脚揉み機能のみを外すことでマッサージチェア特有の違和感を抑えたスタイリングを実現しました。機能性とインテリアとの親和性の両立が評価され、強羅花壇、ロイヤルパークホテル ザ 汐留など多くの高級旅館、ホテルに採用されました。
This is a product designed under the concept of “massage chair as furniture”. While realizing the functionality of the best in the market, we managed to tone down the oddness of its appearance by getting rid of the foot massage part. The combination of its high functionality and its ability to blend in with the interior was rated highly and many high-end hotels and Japanese-style inns, such as Gorakadan and Royal Park Hotel the Shiodome, purchased it.
The production end