Sakai Design Associate

Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Edge AI for
    Cattle Behavior Monitoring

    Prototype | Edge AI for Cattle Behavior Monitoring | L1190xW40xH28mm | Urethane resin, Acrylic resin, Aluminum | Worked with art and program, Inc. | Photo Yosuke Suzuki | Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Edge AI for
    Cattle Behavior Monitoring

    Prototype | Edge AI for Cattle Behavior Monitoring | L1190xW40xH28mm | Urethane resin, Acrylic resin, Aluminum | Worked with art and program, Inc. | Photo Yosuke Suzuki | Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Edge AI for
    Cattle Behavior Monitoring

    Prototype | Edge AI for Cattle Behavior Monitoring | L1190xW40xH28mm | Urethane resin, Acrylic resin, Aluminum | Worked with art and program, Inc. | Photo Yosuke Suzuki | Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Edge AI for
    Cattle Behavior Monitoring

    Prototype | Edge AI for Cattle Behavior Monitoring | L1190xW40xH28mm | Urethane resin, Acrylic resin, Aluminum | Worked with art and program, Inc. | Photo Yosuke Suzuki | Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Edge AI for
    Cattle Behavior Monitoring

    Prototype | Edge AI for Cattle Behavior Monitoring | L1190xW40xH28mm | Urethane resin, Acrylic resin, Aluminum | Worked with art and program, Inc. | Photo Yosuke Suzuki | Tokyo Institute of Technology

ウシ行動推定デバイス搭載首輪 “Peter”
東京工業大学 科学技術創成研究院 ナノセンシング研究ユニット 伊藤研究室が開発している「ウシ行動推定デバイス」を牛の首に取り付けるための首輪をデザインしました。このデバイスにより牛の位置情報はもとより、発情期や様々な体調がわかるようになります。「近未来の信頼性」という言葉を形にすることにし、少し武骨なフォルムのなかにフレキシブルソーラーパネルや位置を知らせる面発光体などちょっと先進的なガジェットもこちらからの提案で組み込みました。畜産に関わる人が「これなら使ってみたい!」と気持ちが上がるデザインを目指しました。

This is a collar used to attach “cow tracking device”, developed by Ito Lab. of Nano Sensing Research Unit, The Technology and Innovation Management Program, Tokyo Institute of Technology. This device transmits not only the whereabouts of cows but also their hormonal cycles and their physical conditions. To visualize the concept of “dependability of near future”, we suggested combining state-of-the-art gadgets such as flexible solar panel and surface light emitting body with its rather unsophisticated body. We aimed to create a design that will make the product attractive to people working in cattle industry.

东京工业大学 科学技术创成研究院 奈米感测研究小组 伊藤研究室开发在牛颈部装设的「牛行动预测载体」,我负责为这项颈圈装置进行设计。运用这项载体,不仅能够获得牛只所在位置的信息,还能够了解发情期,以及各种身体状态。为了将「近未来的信赖性」一词化为具体形式,我建议在略为刚硬的外型当中,装置具有柔软弹性的太阳能板、以及告知所在位置的发光体,希望提供畜产相关人士,提高使用的意愿,认为「如果是这种设计,我愿意使用」。



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